Tuesday 13 September 2011

Reconsidering life

On Saturday my life changed. Drastically. Before Saturday I was not too happy - holidays over, job lost, no jobs around so trying hard to get my own business set up. Everything just seemed to work against me.
Saturday morning was no different. I got up to go to college, just starting a new massage course, which I was really looking forward to. But I never made it to college, missed my first day there too, what a pain. That's what I thought initially.

Thinking about it now I learnt a lot that day: about the good-hearted people living in my neighbourhood (ok, I knew this one before, but they just shone once again), the amount of luck one person can have, the fact that a split second can totally turn your life upside down or even end it. That you never know what's around the corner.
It made me realize that I should not look at the bad things in life (they're part of life, so just deal with them...) but appreciate and enjoy the good things. Life is good, you only have one (sorry if I don't consider other religions here that may believe in rebirth), so make the most of it and live life to the fullest as each day could be the last.

I'm happy to still be around to have the opportunity to enjoy life and I am trying to be more positive in the future. I will try to enjoy and appreciate the little happy things in life: a hug, Cara smiling at me and wagging her tail, friends calling up, Cian phoning when he's away at work, walks around the countryside, spending time with my family, a nice relaxing run... and the list goes on.

All of this will probably also have an impact on my "barefootness". I want to connect with the ground even more now, feel what I'm walking on and not kill that feeling by wearing "foot coffins". In a lot of situations I will still have to wear some sort of shoes, but they will all be minimalist, to keep my feet happy and still give me some of that ground feel. All this barefooting started off because of a dodgy knee, and while it still keeps the pain away it means a lot more to me at this stage.

Take care all and (as my granny said) have a great life! :)

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