Saturday 17 September 2011

Fun Dog Show

Today I took Cara to her first ever dog show. It was a fund raising event for "Halfway there Hounds", a greyhound and lurcher rescue organisation. It was held at our local boarding kennels as they are heavily involved and give a temporary home to the dogs before they are being brought to England to be rehomed.

So for the laugh I entered Cara into a few classes. I didn't expect her to win anything and just wanted her to get to know other dogs and have a bit of fun. At the same time we were helping the good cause.

The weather was very changeable, but when I got there it was already quite busy, which was great to see.
I entered Cara into 3 classes: Mixed Breed, Most Beautiful Bitch and Waggiest Tail. As I said, I didn't think she'd win anything. When the mixed breed class came up, none of my friends had arrived yet, which was a pity as Cara's "boyfriend" is a cross breed (and a very good looking one), too. So I'm sure he would have done well in it.

Cara wasn't interested in listening to what I was trying to tell her or to do what she was supposed to do. She thought it was a great game and she was as mad and playful when I was presenting her. (The judge for some reason really seemed to enjoy her though).

And I couldn't believe it when Cara actually came second. Great result. :)

I don't really like this thing on my neck...

The other classes were very busy as well - a lot of people thought their dogs were the most beautiful bitch, so plenty of competition there. One of my friends' dogs made it to a "highly commended" rosette in that class and I have to say there were a lot of beautiful bitches, so well done to her. Cara wasn't disappointed either, so we went on to the waggiest tail class. I have never seen so many dogs wagging their tails as hard and fast simultaneously as today. It was great fun to watch and Cara did a good job there, too. (She generally always wags her tail anyway, sometimes her bum starts shifting too, depending on the excitement levels). One of my friends had a puppy entered, which made third place. Cara and Ruby, a lovely little king charles, got a "highly commended" rosette, so another unexpected prize there.

All of us with our little champions

 The other dogs did very well for themselves as well. Lucas (Cara's prince charming) won most handsome dog (I knew she had good taste!!) and Harvey, a golden retriever x came 2nd (I think) in the rescue dog class.

All in all it was a very successful day for our dogs and we had a brilliant time.

I hope the kennels are going to make this an annual event. Would definitely be there again next year. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Take care all!


  1. The waggiest tail! Ist das lustig! Ich wäre so gern dabei gewesen. Wir sind aus der Ferne stolz auf das süße Grinse-Gesicht, dass sie den 2. Platz in der Mixed Breed bekommen hat! Good girl!
    Meinst du, wir könnten die Kennels mal besuchen, wenn wir bei dir sind?

  2. Hihi, ja, ich bin auch stolz auf das kleine Kuschelmonster.
    Wir versuchen gerade Liz davon zu ueberzeugen, das jedes Jahr zu machen. Dann kannste naechstes Mal dafuer hierhin kommen! :)
    Wir koennen auf jeden Fall zu den Kennels fahren wenn Ihr mal wieder hier seid. Hatte auch schon mit dem Gedanken gespielt, mal zu sehen ob ich da irgendwie ehrenamtlich helfen kann, jetzt wo ich viel mehr Zeit hab. Mal sehen ob Liz noch ein paar extra Haende gebrauchen kann. :)
