Sunday 4 September 2011

Back in Ireland....

We have just arrived back in Ireland. And - as expected - it was raining again. (It never really stops raining here). I was wishing my life away and so wanted to be back in Germany.

A little shopping in the big smoke on the way home lifted the mood a little. Another pair of VFF's richer (even if not the ones I actually wanted as they had no women's Komodo Sport in the shop....will have to save up now for the winter and might be able to get the Komodo Sports then - at least I was told that they would stock them towards the end of the year...) and plenty of other goodies later (crocs wellies, board shorts and some habanero nibbles) we hit the road to lovely (and wet...) Leitrim.

My new classics
Cian's new classics

After a visit to the future in-laws, a Chinese and trying to get all my stuff together for tomorrow I can finally relax and revisit the last couple of weeks in Germany. I had already written about the first week and a half in my last post. Since then we still had a great time. The weather got really hot again for the last few days.

On Thursday we went to the stables with Judith, gave her a hand with the horses (I love shovelling horse poo! :)) and went for a walk with Sunny after all the work was done. We all got a go at riding him and he also managed to slobber into one of Cian's shoes....that's what you get for taking them off! ;-p

In the evening we took mum and dad out for a meal as it was their 40th wedding anniversary not too long ago. We had a great time, plenty of food (Balkan style, yummy) and drink. Cian, Judith and myself were sporting our VFF's. She's definitely a convert. René, not getting his toes into VFF's (due to minor genetic reasons), ordered a pair of Vivobarefoot Evo's, so we're all minimalist Potoothsenmeerschweinschken now! :)

VFF feet

On Friday we went for a nice cycle with René. The sun was beating down and we explored the greener part of Duisburg, stopping for some exercise (well done Cian!) and some proper Ruhrpott food. We ended the day with a big dirty ice cream after making plans for the next day.

Currywurst, chips, mayo and a beer....yummy

Our last day in Germany turned out to be a really good one, too. The weather was mighty, it was really hot. We set off to go on a 14k kayaking tour on the Niers. Sharing a kayak with Cian was quite entertaining if not always fun ;o). Once again, all 4 of us were wearing minimalist (or no) shoes. We're definitely growing our little family.

The minimalist family: VFF Bikila LS, Vivobarefoot Evo's and Ultra's and no shoes at all :)

After the trip René cooked a nice meal for us before falling asleep on the sofa. ;o)

Early this morning we headed to the airport again. Holidays over....back to reality. Can't wait to do it all again!

Thanks guys for making the time over there a brilliant one! x

Take care all!


  1. Wir haben die Tage auch sehr, sehr, sehr genossen! I´m still grinning broadly while thinking of the Shebellen and Hebellen. And the "suße Duckschskens", of course. Or was it Duckschens?

  2. Ich glaub es waren Duckschens :)

  3. Ja, stimmt. Das René-fallen-asleep-on-the-couch-Foto würde ich langfristig natürlich sehr gerne per E-Mail entgegen nehmen, wenn sich das irgendwie einrichten lässt. :-)

  4. Oh! Und wie lässt es sich denn so mit den VFF Classics laufen?

  5. Haha, gar kein Problem, werde das Foto (oder auch 2 oder 3) in Kuerze emailen.
    Die Classics hab ich noch nicht zum Laufen benutzt, da bleib ich dann lieber bei den Bikilas, die sitzen fester am Fuss. War mal damit spazieren, alles gut, bequem mit und ohne Socken. Zieh sie meistens im Haus an wenn's zu kalt ist um barfuss zu laufen. Sind so einfach an und auszuziehen. Mehr ein Alltagsschuh als Laufschuh. Werd sie aber vielleicht mal auf dem Laufband oder der Strasse testen, mal sehen wie sie sich so zum Joggen machen.
