Friday 23 September 2011

Decisions decisions...

I am currently in a position where I have to make a good few decisions. Some are going to affect my life more than others. They just all seem to come at the same time and anybody who knows me has a fair idea of how difficult it can be for me to make up my mind.

Decision number 1: when am I going to start my own business. I have the qualifications, can get insurance and membership in a professional organization and have most of the gear I need as well. But am I ready yet? Do I know everything I need to know about being self-employed? I'm not sure. Doing a course at the moment to learn more about starting a business that will still be on for another month. I guess it would make sense to be patient and not dive in too soon and at least hold off until the course is finished.

Decision number 2: I need a new car. What car to buy? A smallish cheaper one that would cause more trouble taking Cara anywhere and later fitting my work gear in? Or a bigger one that has enough space to carry all the above but might be slightly more expensive to buy and to run? I tend to option 2 for convenience reasons. No having to fold down seats and the dog cage fits in easily too. Starting to look at cars next week hopefully.

Decision number 3: My mobile phone contract runs out next month. Will I extend the existing contract for another year and possibly pay on top due to probably making a lot more calls as soon as I get the business up and running or do I upgrade my contract to a higher tariff and get a new phone as well. My current phone is tiny and brilliant in the sense that it always fits into my pocket, no matter how small same is. At the same time it can be very fiddly when you actually want to work with it, i.e. use the calendar to schedule appointments etc. With a higher tariff contract I would get a top range smartphone that would be great using it for work related things. At the same time it would be much bulkier and not easily fit into my pocket, especially not when I'm going for a run... The solution might be to go for the new phone and take a gamble on the usage (ie if I don't use it enough I am paying more money for nothing every month) and keep the little phone as a back up and use an old pay as you go sim card for that one, so I can still use it for runs and be accessible if I need to be. I'll see. No big rush with this decision as I still have until the middle of next month to make up my mind.

Decision number 4: To run or not to run. This one is easy. The definite answer is to run! Finding the motivation is another thing. What really puts me off is the miserable weather and the bad (and getting worse) state of our roads. A few months ago it was possible to run a few k barefoot. Now the road is covered in debris, patches of "fixed road" and areas that were semi-fixed (i.e. some tar fired on the ground covered by a heap of gravel, waiting for cars to push same into the tar to make some sort of a semi solid surface - feckin' cowboys). So no more barefooting here. Even in VFF's it's not very nice to run around here as the road doesn't feel nice underneath and the shoes get ruined by the tar. So no more "out of the door and off we go running". So I have a few options: Run barefoot on the treadmill (it's ok but I prefer to run outside), drive to the nearby forest and do some trail running or drive somewhere else and find a half decent road loop.  Not ideal but I guess that way I will get a change of scenery. Somebody give me a kick up my backside to make me go looking for good loops!!

Well, I think that's enough ranting for now ;o).

I'll go and put on my thinking cap again now to figure out all the answers to the above.

Take care all!

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