Thursday 8 September 2011

Barefoot Treadmill Running

I was dying to go for a run today as I haven't been running in a week. The last time was still in Germany. My VFF Bikilas are still not fixed, waiting for the shoe goo to arrive.

As the weather here has been anything but pleasant since we got back on Sunday, I opted for a treadmill run (otherwise I would have used my new Bikila LS on the road). No need for Bikilas there (they're slippy as hell on the belt because it's quite worn, kinda like sand paper that has been used a lot). No need for any sort of shoes for that matter. I decided to go barefoot and work on my form. I find the treadmill quite good for that as it is unforgiving. One wrong step and a blister is guaranteed.

I remember my very first time running barefoot on the treadmill...this was before I even got my first pair of VFF's. I had read born to run, I had a dodgy knee and I was running in my Nike's on the treadmill, trying to avoid any knee pain that was caused by heel striking. Impossible.... So in the end I took a notion and whipped off my shoes and socks and started running barefoot. The first few steps felt awkward, after that I eased into a more comfortable trot. I only ran a few hundred metres (and that very slowly), but still came out with tons of blisters at the front of my toes. Obviously no good form at that stage at all.

Today was different. I felt good, I worked up a good sweat but didn't get out of breath too much and it felt like my form was improving big time. I was running along while listening to the radio. I read in Jason Robillard's book that it is better for your running form to concentrate on lifting the foot rather than putting it down, as the brain automatically seems to take over the putting down process...and it will do it gently, so no pounding the treadmill. I find this works really well for me. If I feel my form slipping I concentrate more on lifting the foot and seem to get a good result that way and my form improves again.

So I planned to do a 3k run to start back into running. I took it easy for the first k to warm up. Then I tried to keep a steady pace of 6min/k for the next 2k and even ended up doing an extra k. I came pretty close to my pace goal as well. After the full 4k I stopped and examined my feet. I was delighted to see no blisters! :)

After a nice shower and a proper cleaning up of my feet I feel really good and refreshed now. This was definitely one of the good runs. :)

Take care all!

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