Tuesday 6 March 2012

Life is catching up on me...

Right, the last post was a good while ago...actually 2 months to the day...
Things have been a bit manic and life has been catching up on me.

I have been trying so hard to keep active, and I succeeded until my other half hurt his back, and for some reason my motivation just went out the window. Part of it could also have to do with the preparation for a badminton competition less than a couple of weeks ago. While running doesn't do any harm to me anymore since I changed to minimalist shoes, badminton still seems to permanently do damage to my knee. I should probably know better at this stage and think about retirement, but I just love the sport too much. Anyhow, so I was training for that, my knee got worse from session to session, which also then affected my running...which then made me damage some ligaments in the opposite foot because I must have unconsciously put a lot more weight on that leg to protect my banjaxed knee...a vicious circle...so now I'm out of action for a while, trying to rest. At the same time I'm getting restless and really want to get out and run again...

Work wise things are slowly coming together. I am getting a few clients through the door and have been at a couple of events as well. I was really chuffed when I was at a 10k race last weekend. A British international runner, Mark Dalkins (he won the Mallorca marathon last year!!!), picked me for his pre and post race massage. I didn't take it for granted as there were a good few other therapists available, including a physio and a chiropractor and other massage therapists with years of experience. I was glad he was happy with the treatment he received and I am looking forward to maybe seeing him again for the race next year. Oh yes, and he won the race as well, with an amazing time of just over 32 mins. (I can only ever dream of that kind of result...I would be delighted doing it in twice the time...lol.)

Mark and me after the race
College is still driving me mad, I feel like I'm doing nothing but case studies each and every day, and they never seem to end. Still loads more to do...and plenty of study as well. Will be delighted when the exams are over and life can go back to normal.

Our holiday plans are coming together nicely as well. We can't wait to head over to Scotland in the late summer. The plan is to hike the West Highland Way with my brother and his other half, as well as our mad dog. It should be fun and I am really looking forward to it. We have most of our gear together and are probably going to do a few test runs around Ireland before. Cara has never been on holidays with us before, and we have to get her used to sleeping in a tent, carrying a rucksack and wearing little booties. :)

Other than that a few things have changed privately recently, and I feel like a big weight is off my shoulders (and I know my other half is probably feeling the same). The change is a good one, and it should mean that we can move on and enjoy the future without anything hanging over us.

Once again life is good, if hectic and challenging at times. I wouldn't want to change it though.

Rant over for now. Enjoy life and live it to the fullest!

Take care all!

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