Friday 6 January 2012

Happy 2012!!!

Yes, I mean it!!! This is going to be THE year! I'm pretty positive about 2012...why? Well, for a number of reasons...

I am my own boss now work-wise and everything is up to me...if I screw up it's my bad, nobody else to blame. I will have to work hard to make a living out of my profession, but I'm prepared to do that as I love what I'm doing. No sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day, being able to help people and make them feel better. What more could you want. It's early days yet but I'm looking forward to it. So glad when I have my next qualification as well as that'll give me even more scope in what I can actually do.

New Years resolutions. I know a lot of people only see them as a fad, something they will attempt for a few days, maybe a few weeks, just to fail and decide to drop the resolutions altogether. Well I say: Fail! Fail again! Fail better! :)

My biggest resolution probably is to exercise every day. Yes, every single day of 2012! So far so good, no fail yet...Been hiking up a mountain, done kettle bells, push ups, been for walks and runs. In a few days I will start P90X alongside my better half and some of his friends. That's 90 days of decent exercise. I will still continue to run as well as I love running (as you all know by now...), so P90X is not going to take away from that.
I also want to eat more healthy. My better half is making a good attempt at eating more paleo maybe I will try to move into that direction, too. I'm a sucker for chocolate and crisps, so will definitely have to cut down in that department and focus more on fruit and veg and other healthy stuff.

Another plan for this year: I am definitely going to work harder on my barefoot running, have to toughen up these feet! As soon as it gets warmer I will drop these minimalist shoes more often and let my feet "run free" :)

Life in rural Ireland is good despite the less than pleasant weather we are blessed with on a regular basis (like always...). I have good people around me, I love my other half and my dog to bits (I hope that's mutual...). I get to see my family in Germany regularly and had a brilliant time with them over xmas.

Things really do seem to be on the up and life is good. I am definitely positive about 2012 and I do not believe it'll be the end of the world (remember Marty McFly travelled to 2015?!?) anytime soon.

So I hope all of you have a smashing 2012. Keep smiling and keep running! :)

Take care all!


  1. Exercise more. Check. ☑
    Eat more healthy. Check. ☑
    Do "the barefoot". Check. ☑

  2. Ich hab noch einen Link auf Lager:
