Wednesday 7 December 2011

2 Weeks of Minimalist Living

I recently went to Germany for a couple of weeks and purposely only packed minimalist shoes...this meant 2 weeks without foot coffins. :)

The first few days were a little tough as I normally would generally wear regular shoes the odd time even though I much prefer the minimalist ones. Shoes with any sort of a heel to toe drop make me feel like I'm falling forward these days. After a couple of days in minimalist shoes I could feel my ankles and calves getting a little stiff, especially in the morning after just getting out of bed (I have a bunk bed in Germany, so climbing down the ladder first thing is always great fun). Soon the stiffness went again though and I was really comfortable. I went for the odd run with my other half, too, and felt good.

Sunday 20 November 2011

Thursday 17 November 2011

Cara and the budda bag

Cara loves our big budda bag, but I'm not sure if some of her positions are too comfortable. She definitely loves snuggling into any body that's on the bag. Here are a few snaps of her poses. :)

She's also had some howling practice, doing well, but I don't know if that's a good thing...she's very funny though once she gets started. :)

Saturday 5 November 2011

Some sunshine at last!!!!

Today was one of the very few dry days we had in nearly the last 2 months. So I took the opportunity to test the camera on my new phone while I was out walking with Cara.

Check this's sunny but there's still a rainbow...

It was cold but sunny, the air felt really fresh, crisp and clean. I love this about the place I live in. Unfortunately, we have a lot of bad weather, which makes living out in the country a bit miserable at times. In good weather this feels like the nicest place in the world though.

Happy out

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Decisions made - well, some anyway...

I haven't been writing anything in a while now, so I thought I'd just give a quick update on the decisions I had to make and was pondering over in my last post.

Some of them have still not been fully made, but I'm getting closer to a decision. Especially the business one is a hard one. There are tax implications, a lot of forms to fill in and a lot of other factors to consider as well as getting a website, stationary, business cards etc. This is currently all work in progress.

Friday 23 September 2011

The naughty VFF Bikila continued

I finally managed to fix my left running Bikila.

I was impatiently waiting for the shoe goo I had ordered to arrive. Once it got here I made an attempt to reattach the soft arch bit to the actual rubber sole as they had come apart. Not sure what caused it - they might just not have been glued properly initially. I was glad to see that there was no damage, just a bit of detachment ;o).

So I got a bit of surgical spirit, some cotton buds and some clamps. I cleaned the area with the surgical spirit, using the cotton buds to reach inside the little gap as well. I then went and put some shoe goo in with the cotton bud end minus the cotton. It seemed to go in pretty well, and I probably even used a bit too much. As it's a big tub though I didn't worry about that (there's enough to fix another ton of shoes, but I hope I won't have to use it again anytime soon). I put loads in and then secured the two parts with a big clamp. I wiped off any excess goo that was coming out of the gap as soon as I put the clamp on and put the vff into a safe and well ventilated spot....and left it there for the next day and a half to allow the goo to cure.

The fixed Bikila with excess shoe goo

Decisions decisions...

I am currently in a position where I have to make a good few decisions. Some are going to affect my life more than others. They just all seem to come at the same time and anybody who knows me has a fair idea of how difficult it can be for me to make up my mind.

Decision number 1: when am I going to start my own business. I have the qualifications, can get insurance and membership in a professional organization and have most of the gear I need as well. But am I ready yet? Do I know everything I need to know about being self-employed? I'm not sure. Doing a course at the moment to learn more about starting a business that will still be on for another month. I guess it would make sense to be patient and not dive in too soon and at least hold off until the course is finished.

Decision number 2: I need a new car. What car to buy? A smallish cheaper one that would cause more trouble taking Cara anywhere and later fitting my work gear in? Or a bigger one that has enough space to carry all the above but might be slightly more expensive to buy and to run? I tend to option 2 for convenience reasons. No having to fold down seats and the dog cage fits in easily too. Starting to look at cars next week hopefully.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Fun Dog Show

Today I took Cara to her first ever dog show. It was a fund raising event for "Halfway there Hounds", a greyhound and lurcher rescue organisation. It was held at our local boarding kennels as they are heavily involved and give a temporary home to the dogs before they are being brought to England to be rehomed.

So for the laugh I entered Cara into a few classes. I didn't expect her to win anything and just wanted her to get to know other dogs and have a bit of fun. At the same time we were helping the good cause.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Reconsidering life

On Saturday my life changed. Drastically. Before Saturday I was not too happy - holidays over, job lost, no jobs around so trying hard to get my own business set up. Everything just seemed to work against me.
Saturday morning was no different. I got up to go to college, just starting a new massage course, which I was really looking forward to. But I never made it to college, missed my first day there too, what a pain. That's what I thought initially.

Thursday 8 September 2011

Barefoot Treadmill Running

I was dying to go for a run today as I haven't been running in a week. The last time was still in Germany. My VFF Bikilas are still not fixed, waiting for the shoe goo to arrive.

As the weather here has been anything but pleasant since we got back on Sunday, I opted for a treadmill run (otherwise I would have used my new Bikila LS on the road). No need for Bikilas there (they're slippy as hell on the belt because it's quite worn, kinda like sand paper that has been used a lot). No need for any sort of shoes for that matter. I decided to go barefoot and work on my form. I find the treadmill quite good for that as it is unforgiving. One wrong step and a blister is guaranteed.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

The naughty VFF Bikila

During my last 5k race one of my beloved silver/green Bikilas started to disintegrate... The rubber sole is starting to come off the EVA arch yoke (not sure does it actually have a name...). I spotted it after the race. Not sure if it was due to the amount of water on the course - we were pretty much constantly running through puddles. When I took the shoes off I saw an approximately 3 cm long gap under the left shoe. I was not say the least. Cian helped me to do some research on the interweb to find out how to best deal with the issue at hand as I was not prepared to give up my Bikilas because of that. And we found an answer: SHOE GOO! :)

Sunday 4 September 2011

Back in Ireland....

We have just arrived back in Ireland. And - as expected - it was raining again. (It never really stops raining here). I was wishing my life away and so wanted to be back in Germany.

A little shopping in the big smoke on the way home lifted the mood a little. Another pair of VFF's richer (even if not the ones I actually wanted as they had no women's Komodo Sport in the shop....will have to save up now for the winter and might be able to get the Komodo Sports then - at least I was told that they would stock them towards the end of the year...) and plenty of other goodies later (crocs wellies, board shorts and some habanero nibbles) we hit the road to lovely (and wet...) Leitrim.

My new classics
Cian's new classics

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Holidays in Germany - week 1

I couldn't wait to finish work and head to Germany with Cian for our well deserved 2 week break.

The first day would be a tough one straight away. We were up at 2am as we had to drive to Dublin to catch a 7am flight. Arriving in Germany around 10am we had some breakfast. Then we started to prepare for our 5k race in the inner port that afternoon. The weather was so different to Ireland, really hot, the air a lot more stuffy. We ran in a team of 4: Cian, my brother René, Judith and myself.

Team Potoothsenmeerschweinschken :)

Monday 1 August 2011

Kayaking on Lough Allen

Last week John, a good friend of ours, asked if we would like to go kayaking with him and his wife Lorraine. And as we're always up for anything outdoors, we agreed to meet them at Lough Allen on Saturday afternoon for a bit of water fun and madness.

Kayaks "on the rocks"
 So we set off on an overcast but dry (at that point anyway...) afternoon. The lake was a bit choppy but that just added to the fun. Our kayaks were all sit in tops, so no need for any eskimo rolls at any stage (nobody capsized either, so we were all good). We also brought Cara as she is a total water baby and loves to swim.

Saturday 16 July 2011

A morning run at Lough Key Forest Park

After a 5k run on the treadmill yesterday I was delighted that my friend Caroline had asked if I would go running with her today. She is just starting back into running and is happy to have me as a running buddy (at least that's what she said ;o)). So hopefully this will be one of many runs.

Cara - all excited about the run

Wednesday 6 July 2011

An unexpected hike up Sliabh an Iarainn

Friday evening I got home from work, all set to clean the house for a party we were having on Saturday evening. As we had planned to hit the big smoke in the morning we wouldn't have much time during the day to get anything done. At 7pm we got a phone call from our next door neighbour, who is also a local mountain guide, asking us if we would like to join him and his grandson for a hike to the summit of Sliabh an Iarainn. Initially we said we were too busy, but thinking about it again (for about 2 seconds) we agreed to go with them.

Wednesday 29 June 2011

A VFF Sunday out

Last Sunday Cian and I went into Carrick for a relaxing morning/early afternoon. We took Cara with us to get her more used to people and other dogs. She is very good and normally isn't bothered with other people and dogs at all, but it's good to put her to the test every now and then, as there is not much happening out where we live (extremely rural :)).

KSO feet

 We both wore our VFF KSO's and got some strange looks. But we don't care, we love them and what other people think doesn't matter to us. Some people also thought they were extremely cool. (Yes, we agree!)

Sunday 19 June 2011

The coincidental VFF run

After I had been for a 6k treadmill run yesterday I hadn't intended to go for another run today. The weather still wasn't the best, overcast with some occasional showers (I sound like the weatherman ;o)). I had been doing a lot of housework today (a late spring clean...) and was just moping around the house after, not really in the mood to do anything. Then I saw my Bikilas sitting innocently on the bedroom floor, on their own (because I had tidied everything else away..). So I took a notion and decided to take them out for a spin (never mind the rest day...I normally never run 2 days in a row).

So I got ready and Cara got unbelievably excited. She loves her runs!

My Bikila feet

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Free barefoot running e-book

Hey all,

this is just a quick post to let anybody interest in barefoot running (or looking to get started into minimalist or barefoot running) know that Jason Robillard is offering free downloads of his Barefoot Running Book (2nd edition) at the moment. He's really clued in and he has loads of advice, hints and tips to offer. I've read the book and I think it's a brilliant help in transitioning into or improving your minimalist/barefoot running. He's my guru! :)

Here's the link (you might experience some pop ups as it's a free service, but don't let that stop you!):

Pass it on to anybody you know who might be interested (and if they're not...well, get them interested! ;o))

Check out Jason's blogs, too!

Take care all and happy running!

Sunday 12 June 2011

A day out at sea in Sligo with the Civil Defence

Yesterday I was out in Sligo with the Civil Defence. The Sligo Triathlon Club had a sea swim race on and we were out as safety boat for the swimmers. We decided to go down to Sligo a good bit before the race and take the boat for a spin first.

It was a nice enough day, not too cold, hardly any wind and just slightly overcast. Not a bad day to be out at sea. We had a small crew of 3 and launched the boat in Rosses Point.

Looking back at Rosses Point from the water.

We left Rosses Point and went out to sea past Oyster Island and Coney Island. Even though I'm not living too far away I had never been out on the boat here before. Our usual territory is the River Shannon. I was amazed that within a few minutes we saw 2 lighthouses and a very tall and camp looking fella standing in the water (with a seagull on his head) pointing at Rosses Point.

Friday 10 June 2011

First attempts - at blogging and minimalist running

Ok, so this is my first attempt at blogging...
I have never been very good at expressing myself and bearing in mind that English is not my native tongue I might sometimes struggle to find the right or appropriate words.

First of all I'll share a bit more about myself. I'm a German living in Ireland for over 10 years now. I live out in the country with my boyfriend (he's a little crazy at times) and my mad dog Cara. I'm working in corporate banking but due to a fortunate event (ok, I don't know if I should call redundancy fortunate or not...) to happen in the not so far future I am currently training to be a massage therapist (and loving it!).