Wednesday 29 June 2011

A VFF Sunday out

Last Sunday Cian and I went into Carrick for a relaxing morning/early afternoon. We took Cara with us to get her more used to people and other dogs. She is very good and normally isn't bothered with other people and dogs at all, but it's good to put her to the test every now and then, as there is not much happening out where we live (extremely rural :)).

KSO feet

 We both wore our VFF KSO's and got some strange looks. But we don't care, we love them and what other people think doesn't matter to us. Some people also thought they were extremely cool. (Yes, we agree!)

Sunday 19 June 2011

The coincidental VFF run

After I had been for a 6k treadmill run yesterday I hadn't intended to go for another run today. The weather still wasn't the best, overcast with some occasional showers (I sound like the weatherman ;o)). I had been doing a lot of housework today (a late spring clean...) and was just moping around the house after, not really in the mood to do anything. Then I saw my Bikilas sitting innocently on the bedroom floor, on their own (because I had tidied everything else away..). So I took a notion and decided to take them out for a spin (never mind the rest day...I normally never run 2 days in a row).

So I got ready and Cara got unbelievably excited. She loves her runs!

My Bikila feet

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Free barefoot running e-book

Hey all,

this is just a quick post to let anybody interest in barefoot running (or looking to get started into minimalist or barefoot running) know that Jason Robillard is offering free downloads of his Barefoot Running Book (2nd edition) at the moment. He's really clued in and he has loads of advice, hints and tips to offer. I've read the book and I think it's a brilliant help in transitioning into or improving your minimalist/barefoot running. He's my guru! :)

Here's the link (you might experience some pop ups as it's a free service, but don't let that stop you!):

Pass it on to anybody you know who might be interested (and if they're not...well, get them interested! ;o))

Check out Jason's blogs, too!

Take care all and happy running!

Sunday 12 June 2011

A day out at sea in Sligo with the Civil Defence

Yesterday I was out in Sligo with the Civil Defence. The Sligo Triathlon Club had a sea swim race on and we were out as safety boat for the swimmers. We decided to go down to Sligo a good bit before the race and take the boat for a spin first.

It was a nice enough day, not too cold, hardly any wind and just slightly overcast. Not a bad day to be out at sea. We had a small crew of 3 and launched the boat in Rosses Point.

Looking back at Rosses Point from the water.

We left Rosses Point and went out to sea past Oyster Island and Coney Island. Even though I'm not living too far away I had never been out on the boat here before. Our usual territory is the River Shannon. I was amazed that within a few minutes we saw 2 lighthouses and a very tall and camp looking fella standing in the water (with a seagull on his head) pointing at Rosses Point.

Friday 10 June 2011

First attempts - at blogging and minimalist running

Ok, so this is my first attempt at blogging...
I have never been very good at expressing myself and bearing in mind that English is not my native tongue I might sometimes struggle to find the right or appropriate words.

First of all I'll share a bit more about myself. I'm a German living in Ireland for over 10 years now. I live out in the country with my boyfriend (he's a little crazy at times) and my mad dog Cara. I'm working in corporate banking but due to a fortunate event (ok, I don't know if I should call redundancy fortunate or not...) to happen in the not so far future I am currently training to be a massage therapist (and loving it!).