Sunday 19 June 2011

The coincidental VFF run

After I had been for a 6k treadmill run yesterday I hadn't intended to go for another run today. The weather still wasn't the best, overcast with some occasional showers (I sound like the weatherman ;o)). I had been doing a lot of housework today (a late spring clean...) and was just moping around the house after, not really in the mood to do anything. Then I saw my Bikilas sitting innocently on the bedroom floor, on their own (because I had tidied everything else away..). So I took a notion and decided to take them out for a spin (never mind the rest day...I normally never run 2 days in a row).

So I got ready and Cara got unbelievably excited. She loves her runs!

My Bikila feet

 We started right outside the house, turned up the road straight into a little bit of uphill (nothing too serious yet...). I met our neighbour's little dog (and I mean little...she's tiny!) and thank god she didn't follow us, otherwise I would have had to pick her up and go back to the neighbour's house and hand her over to them to make sure she wouldn't run after us again. So we went up the mountain a little, past another dog, Lucky (not so lucky anymore as she's now restrained with an electric collar because she's not very nice and attacks anything that goes past the house).

I run without music because I like to listen to the surroundings (mostly animals around here) and to myself. I know to slow down if I start breathing too heavy or have to correct my form when I hear my feet slapping the ground.

So chilled out

Cara thinking she's one of them and eating grass...bad habit...

 The loop is a very hilly one...I live at the side of a mountain, so there's no flat running here at all. And hills I met plenty...I didn't use to like them at all and got really narky when one came up in front of me. (Sorry Cian, I know you normally have to take the hit on these moments.) Today was different for some reason. I tried to run up all the hills and walked down if I was too tired to keep running after. If I didn't make it all the way up I would say "I'll get you sometime yet", determined to one day make it up all the way.

This is the worst hill...doesn't look that bad on the picture, but it's a different story when you're coming up to it...

That's the last bit of it...nearly at the top now

There were a lot more hills, but this one is the steepest. The good thing is that once you're up there you have really nice views over the mountains. I had to stop and take some pics, even though I could see this scenery every day I still love taking it in every time I'm up there.

Looking over to Sliabh an Iarainn

Bencroy in the background

We also crossed a nice little stream (I think even twice because the loop kinda zigzags it), ran along plenty of fields and only met a couple of cars. That's what I love about living in the country, it's so quiet and peaceful.

The stream :)

 Cara must have done about twice the distance I did, she was checking out everything around, would run ahead and then come back...well, she has the advantage of "4 wheel drive". ;o)

Cara on the way back to me with a big smiley head on her

We met plenty of other dogs, a few birds, horses, cows, sheep and one cat. That's Irish wildlife for you ;o).

We did a total of 7.64k (4.75mi) and I was using all my garmin gear to track the run.
Just after we got back home it started to rain...that was good timing. Cara was knackered and found a quiet spot to conk out.

Cara conked out under my desk

 After all this I think she deserves some treats...and as for myself...I think I deserve a pizza and a bottle of beer. :)

Take care all!

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